Granting Guidelines
From 2021 through 2026, The Charles H. Ivey Foundation has made it our goal to support charities addressing youth at risk in Southern Ontario, with a focus on innovative projects in the areas of education, health care, social services, arts & culture, and the environment.
Image courtesy of the Royal Conservatory of Music
The Charles H. Ivey Foundation is accepting Grant Proposal Letters twice a year, the submission deadlines for 2025 are:
March 3, 2025
September 15, 2025
Our grants aim to fund:
Charities supporting youth-at-risk who fall in the age range of 13 to 25
Charities based in Southern Ontario; south of Ottawa, North Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie. Manitoulin Island is included in our geographic area of support.
Grants in a range from $5,000 to $150,000, in one to three year commitments
We have a preference for smaller organizations, though all levels are welcome to apply
We have a preference for funding specific projects, however we accept a wide range of applications and consider them on a case-by-case basis
Our grants do not fund:
Organizations that are not registered charities
Organizations not supporting youth at risk, or supporting children under the age of 13
Organizations not based in Southern Ontario; those north of and including Ottawa, North Bay, Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie
Land acquisition projects
Endowment funds
Religious institutions or political groups
For charities interested in applying we have a two step application process
Eligible charities are encouraged to apply with the Grant Proposal Letter which contains the following information:
A brief description of the project or purpose for which funding is sought.
The amount of funding requested.
An outline as to how the project fits into CHIF’s mission statement and eligibility criteria.
A brief description of the organization’s history, objectives and activities.
A brief budget and timeline for the project.
Applicants are only to use the fillable space available in the Grant Proposal Letter PDF. From these letters submitted to The Charles H. Ivey Foundation, the Foundation will select the charities whose projects best align with our mission. Those selected will be invited to submit a full Grant Application. Applicants are asked to wait at least 12 months between submissions, repeat applications before this time has elapsed will not be considered.
Those interested in applying should submit their Grant Proposal Letter to by 5:00 PM EST, March 3rd 2024.
The Charles H. Ivey Foundation does not accept hard copy submissions by mail, only submissions via the Foundation’s Form Fillable PDF file will be considered.